shooting for the german documentary "Ganz normale Männer" (ZDF)
invitation as an author to be part in the literature database NRW
receipt of the NRW artist grant for freelance artists
the radio play "The Gift" is produced by WDR
the theatre piece "Lulla-bye for a mother" is published by Literatur Nordost
receipt of the NRW artist grant for freelance artists
shooting for the famous german series "Lindenstrasse" (WDR)
the theatre piece "Lulla-bye for a mother" wins the Northeast Literature Prize
The jury's verdict: “An oppressive family cosmos opens up before us:
In the size of the universe. Daughter and mother in a tight-knit battle
about the I-Highness. Masterful family drama!"
the announcement
the text
about me
Hello, I'm Philine Conrad, born and raised as Lisa Conrad in Cologne. In 2010 I joined an acting workshop at studiobühne cologne and discovered the theatre. One year later I finished my studies at the University of Cologne with a thesis about secret services, whistleblowers & Wikileaks. I went to Ecuador for 3 months. One day before leaving I sold my VW Beetle and send an application to the Berlin University of Arts. In Quito I joined another acting course in Spanish, lead by an Italian and participated in some trainings with the clinic clowns. An email arrived from the Berlin University of Arts: They required a monologue of Shakespeare for the audition. I started searching. After 2 hours I found what I was looking for in the Libri Mundi bookstore in the center of Quito: King Lear. And I started to study the Edmund. 6 days after my return to Germany I bought a one-way ticket, packed two travel bags, one with clothes, the other with important documents, and moved to Berlin. In 2014 I played at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in “Critical Mass” and in “Grenzfa(e)lle” at Heimathafen Neukölln. The piece “Vom Inneren der Farben” was performed in HAU (Hebbel am Ufer). I started painting in 2013 and writing in 2014. In July 2014 I moved to Cologne and started acting school. From 2015 to 2018 I worked at Theatre der Keller and at Comedia Theatre Cologne, played the role of Krabat in the piece “Krabat”. The play “White is not a color” was invited to Mülheimer Theatertage in 2018. In 2016 I presented some of my textes at the festival “The City of Tomorrow” at Schauspiel Köln. In 2017 I was first engaged by RheinEnergie and then by Deutsche Post with my paintings on power boxes. In 2018 I received the NRW Young Talent Scholarship and in 2019 my theatre piece
“Lulla-Bye for a mother” won the Northeast Literature Prize. In 2020 is was published, the radio station WDR produced my radio play “The Gift” and I received the NRW grant for freelance artists.
While I am writing these lines I almost forget the illness that had to be conquered for many years since 2008, and which I meanwhile no lnger believed to overcome, and the exhausting months of exclusion and rejection during my acting school. The theater was always my refuge where I feel safe and at home.
Today I am happy to be in peace with myself and my life, free and, above all, healthy.
I live and work in Cologne.
about me
"Ich habe mit Philine Conrad gearbeitet und bin sehr
überzeugt von ihren schauspielerischen Leistungen.
Sie ist meiner Meinung nach sehr ausdrucksstark und hat eine große Unmittelbarkeit in ihrer darstellerischen Kunst."
Bruno Cathomas - Schauspieler/Regisseur
"In dem bemerkenswerten Hörspiel ‚Geistige Gefangenschaft’ von Philine Conrad werden die Extremgeschehnisse der letzten Jahre verarbeitet, und zwar ohne Beschönigung oder wohlfeile Heroisierung. Ich drücke der Sache sehr die Daumen, denn aktuell stellt sich überall die große Frage: Wie sollen wir das bloß verarbeiten und miteinander gedeihlich weiterleben? Das Stück ‚Geistige Gefangenschaft’ ist definitiv ein Beitrag zur Verarbeitung."
Dr, Michael Andrick - Philosoph & Publizist
"Philine Conrad ist ein deutsches Multitalent. Wie viele andere KünstlerInnen hat auch sie unter den Corona-Auswirkungen zu leiden und ich erlaube mir deshalb, die Kunst allgemein, diese Künstlerin im Besonderen zu unterstützen: es gibt ohnedies nicht viele KünstlerInnen, die in diesen Zeiten das Risiko auf sich nehmen, für kritische Aussagen ihre Existenz aufs Spiel zu setzen."
Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Haditsch - Mediziner und Biologe